Lazy Rock Wi-Fi

Installed professionally by our resident network guru with over 25 years experience and powered by Ubiquiti Enterprise-Grade Hardware.

Enjoy seamless and reliable internet connectivity across our park, completely free of charge.ย  We use it daily, so we can assure youโ€”it works great!

Cellular Note: We are situated directly across the lake from a Cell tower and have yet to hear any complaints about cellular service at our park. ๐Ÿ˜€

>>Aluminum Sided Trailer Click Here<<

Park Wi-Fi Nerd ๐Ÿค“ Details:

  • Dual Redundant Internet Connections: With a total combined bandwidth of 380 Mbps, ensuring constant uptime and reliability.
  • Network Infrastructure: Our park network includes hardwired, meshed, and bridged dual radio 2.4/5GHz access points, providing AP connection and bridge speeds ranging from 150 to 1000 Mbps. Backed by an Enterprise gateway on UPS and generator backup, Wi-Fi will keep on trucking during a power outage. (please note that not all areas of the park are serviced during a power outage)
  • Guest Access: Guests are “client isolated” for enhanced security, with internet speeds throttled to 15 Mbpsโ€”perfect for remote work, cloud-based applications, VPN services, and moderate video streaming. While UHD streaming isn’t available (we’re in the North, after all), our service supports most other needs efficiently. Please note, upload speeds are significantly lower, so uploading large videos may take…a…long….time.

We hope you enjoy your stay and the reliable internet connection at Lazy Rock!

Aluminum Sided Trailer?

An RV with aluminum siding can act as a Faraday cage, which can reduce internet speeds. Hereโ€™s why:

How Aluminum Siding Affects Wi-Fi Signals

  1. Faraday Cage Effect:
    A Faraday cage is an enclosure used to block electromagnetic fields. Aluminum, being a conductive material, can create a similar effect. The metal can reflect and absorb electromagnetic signals, including Wi-Fi, which operates on radio frequencies.
  2. Signal Attenuation:
    The aluminum siding can cause significant signal attenuation, meaning the strength of the Wi-Fi signal is reduced as it tries to penetrate the metal barrier. This can lead to slower internet speeds and a weaker connection inside the RV.
  3. Interference:
    Metal surfaces can cause interference and reflections of Wi-Fi signals, leading to a phenomenon known as multipath interference. This can further degrade the quality of the Wi-Fi connection.

Solutions to Improve Wi-Fi in an Aluminum-Sided RV

  1. External Antennas:
    Using an external Wi-Fi antenna or extender can help capture the signal outside the RV and bring it inside, bypassing the metal interference.
  2. Wi-Fi Boosters:
    Wi-Fi boosters or repeaters can be placed near windows or other non-metallic areas to help improve signal reception.
  3. Cellular Hotspots:
    If Wi-Fi remains problematic, using a cellular hotspot can be an alternative. Ensure that the hotspot device is placed in an area with the best cellular reception, such as near a window.